May 11, 2012

This last year has been difficult for my blogging.  I took a LONG break away from the computer, and its blindingly bright screen.  I have been dealing with chronic migraines since last July and have found it ever so difficult to go near my computer.  With over 20 migraines a month, then a spinal headache for two weeks in February, and so many doctor visits I don't have much time for anything other than day to day stuff with the children.  Finally I am now on a good daily regimen, went through an awesome nutritional cleanse, and am down to only 5-6 migraines a month (a blessing for me).  So I am trying to get back into what I love (writing). 

Through the last 10 months I have really began to think about other parents that deal with chronic pain issues.  It really is a difficult situation to be in, and some parents can put such a great face on while dealing with their pain.  I hope for a few good posts on that subject and maybe even a magazine article if I can manage.  See you all soon!


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