March 13, 2010

Time for Change

A time change that is!  For any parent of a baby or toddler, this time of year (as well as fall) is the worst.  Our little ones get so scheduled in their day that an hour can really make a big difference in their sleeping and waking.  So what are we to do to make the transition smoother? 
I read an article this morning on beating the time change.  Of course it's not really writen for toddlers, so I hope I can make a plan for my kids that will work. 
Step 1:  Send them to bed!  Oh, I like this one.  Try to get those kiddos in bed a little early. We are going to miss an hour tonight so get them to bed early to make up for it a little.  My plan is to start bath and bed time routine about 30 minutes early. 
Step 2:  Wake up (almost) on time.  This one will be hard for me if the kids are still sleeping.  But not only should mommies wake up early so should the kiddos.  That will be hard.  The article said on time, but our kids need the sleep so they aren't so cranky, so I will wait a little to give them some extra sleep.
Step 3:  Send them back to bed!  Taking a nap will help with the lack of sleep.  I think I will do this one too!

Hopefully after all this we will be back on track for the week.  Hope time change goes smooth for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I am fool and planned Gianna's sleepover party the night of the time change and I have no idea what time these girls will get to bed and NO idea whatsoever on when they will wake up. Hopefully they we will be so worn out they wont even notice a difference tomorrow night! haha



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