It was the back of his little head that was bleeding, a little half inch gash. I rushed him off to the urgent care where he quickly received his first set of staples. Throughout this ordeal, Will was such a trooper. He had stopped crying soon after I cleaned off his head. He was happy throughout the time in the Urgent care, except for a few short minutes when they actually stapled. As we waited, he even kept trying to climb on everything in the waiting room, including the coffee tables. He walked out of there with a smile on his face and a lolly pop in hand. Thankfully there are no other negative signs of trauma, and after a full nights sleep he is doing great.
I have a feeling this is not our last trip, he is going to be trouble, just like his daddy...
So sad, tell Will his Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin are praying for him and love him very much.