August 9, 2011

Does it take the Village?

I find one of the most enjoyable parts of parenting can be the friendships made with other parents and their children. The old saying "it takes a village" is one that I completely agreed with. We had some pretty amazing families we were friends with, they were our village. We would have dinner together, travel together, have holidays together. We had lots of kids to enjoy and friends to laugh with, a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. Over the last several months some particular friendships have died away leaving gaping holes in our circle.
As I am trying to figure out what went wrong, I find truth in the old breakup line, "it's not you it's me". Our "friends" needed to focus on the family, leaving the social aspect of parenting to become a stronger unit. In our little family unit however, that is not something we need. We have lots of time together and we have a great relationship. We are all close and loving, and we love having others we love around us. In the end we have no understanding of our friends needs for seclusion but can respect it. I just wonder why leave people that only want to help and support you?
Are you social parents or seclusion parents?
On a trip to the Grand Canyon

1 comment:

  1. We a social! Thank goodness! We need to bounce ideas and event off other parents.



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