March 10, 2010

Adventures in Potty Training- Day 1

I have been fumling through the potty training process for a year now, trying to get Emily to give up the diapers. I had no clue what I was doing or how I was supposed to go about it.  I even bought books, and tried to gain some great knowledge.  All the books seemed to tell me was to wait for some miraculous sign that she was ready.  I have attempted potty training many times, twice we thought she was there, except at night.  Both times obviously she went back to her diapers.  This time I worked harder at finding the right direction so I could do it right.  Enter the 3 day potty training method.  I found this e-book online and it gives step by step directions to potty train.  Wow.  Just what I need.  An idiot proof guide.  So here I am, Day 1.  This morning she threw away her diapers and we put on a pair on Minnie Mouse panties.  I told her she was a big girl now and no more diapers.  An hour later she was crying for diapers.  I didn't give in!  When she ran to her play house where she normally hides to do her buisness, I went with her.  She has been going in the potty all day!  We had one accident at the end of the night.  Now she is in bed with her panties and I am so nervous.  Here's to hoping this works tonight too.
Will is sick again.  I don't yet know what is going on but he went to bed with a fever.  We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Potty training is, in my opinion, the hardest thing to do! However, I must say, boys are easier because they can go pee anywhere. hahaha



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